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Vaccines par Mind Map: Vaccines

1. What are the required vaccinations?

1.1. What does each one of them do?

1.2. Do the dosages come into play?

2. What are the problems that people face with vaccines?

2.1. Are their certain vaccines that keep having recuring problems?

3. Many people find that the vaccines don't even work considering the recent outbreak in certain diseases such as whooping cough, chicken pox and measles.

4. VAccines most have a tougher rating system when it comes to the cdc  because they're mostly given to healthy, patients, children.

5. Does this just relate to school vaccines or does this relate to even the regualr flu shots people get?

6. Are vaccines harmful?

6.1. Are certain vaccines more harmful than others?

6.2. Should parents avoid giving vaccines ot their children?

6.3. Do they do more harm than good?

7. Schools

7.1. Should vaccines be required when a child goes into kindergarten?

7.1.1. If they weren't this could bring back diseases that the vaccines were made for to reduce? Why would they want this?

7.2. Is the age of 6 to early to be giving certain vaccinations?

7.2.1. HAs there ever been a study done?

7.3. Are there any states that don't have this as a requirement?

7.3.1. Was their any turmoil and comotion behind this?