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Gun control par Mind Map: Gun control

1. Who should have the right to bear arms?

1.1. A psych evaluation should be given to those who are attempting to buy a gun

1.1.1. Just in 2016 there have been 36,309 violent incidents involving guns

1.1.2. If you are not psychologically stable you should not have the right to bear arms the overall safety of the american society should come before someones own selfish economic gain Those involved in mass shootings more than likely have psychological issues and are faced with serving time in a mental institution rather than in a jail A psych evaluation before purchasing a firearm could save thousands of lives

1.1.3. Police has brutality has become a large issue

2. illegal gun trade/unregistered guns

2.1. people should be severely charged for injuring or even simply possessing an unregistered gun

2.1.1. Kentucky does not require one to register a gun or even have license to buy one More severe laws should be enforced rather than just having it become a problem when someones life is taken/the point where it is to late to reverse the damage

3. Defense

3.1. People wouldn't need to defend themselves with a gun if gun control was more effective

3.1.1. With the lack of gun control everyone is going to feel the need to own for protection

4. Affects

4.1. thousands of innocent people are killed annually due to the lack of gun control

4.1.1. people can get a higher sentence for possession of marijuana than they can for taking a life