Paying college athletes

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Paying college athletes par Mind Map: Paying college athletes

1. Disadvantages

1.1. Involving money in the equation for the players’ participation would debase the essence of amateurism.

1.2. It might put a student’s education at the back seat.

1.3. Its system could unfairly burden smaller colleges.

1.3.1. Included

1.3.2. Included

1.3.3. Excluded

1.4. Its programs might experience budget problems.

1.5. It might create problems among peers.

1.6. Paying college athletes opens the world up to a brand new slate of lawsuits as it is virtually impossible to have an across the board pay scale. Females will be suing because their pay is lower than a male athlete. Those athletes that are scoring more points and gaining more game time will be arguing for higher wages than their team mates. Paying college athletes opens the door to multiple problems that will ultimately drive the attention of the athletes from their studies to their game possible setting them up for future failure when the game is over.

1.7. It can make non-athletes feel upset and start problems

1.8. Because they already getting paid Their scholarship is enough I think. They also get any other benefits from the school or NCAA. As well they get to prepare for Professional League like NFL and NBA and etc.. They also maintain a good health. But we can't declined the fact that they're not getting enough but i think education is enough

2. Advantages

2.1. They will have more for school work and less stress since they are getting paid.

2.1.1. Define actions as necessary

2.2. They never have to worry about income for their family.

2.3. More time to practice the game and workout to become a great athlete.

2.4. They will have money to do extra things outside of their sport without having the stress of a job.

2.5. Eliminate shady practices and fake injuries because it could come out of their income.