Poverty Perspective

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Poverty Perspective par Mind Map: Poverty Perspective

1. This is where you they will follow  the QR code. The QR code will lead them to an organization that helps children living in poverty

1.1. The QR code will lead them to an organization that helps children living in poverty

2. This will be the home page where the head question will be and just overall statements on the entire concept, like why i chose the topic etc..

2.1. For this I will use a graph

3. Situational Poverty is only poverty during a period, no for what seems to be everlasting

3.1. Students in situational poverty are more likely to suffer academically because they are less immune to being poor

3.1.1. not going to be impoverished forever

3.1.2. it is a sudden occurance so they do not really know how to react to it so it can be challenging foccussing on school with a new lifestyle For all of this information I will use and infographic and a video/animation using powtoons to display the informations

3.2. generally able to make it back to middle class

3.2.1. Less conflict, not eternal, not passed down

3.3. More likely to attend school regularly, also have healthcare

3.3.1. catch all lessons, go in fr extra help if needed

3.4. • Surrounded by people who are educated or able to earn a living wage

3.4.1. more positive examples, more will tow ant to succeed and be like members of family/companions

4. Generational Poverty is where poverty occurs in families within at least two generations

4.1. Hopelessness

4.1.1. Without hope and the belief that life can be better, the motivation and energy needed to break the cycle are very low.

4.2. Surviving vs. Planning

4.2.1. They're focused on the issue/challenge facing them everyday. (money for food, finding a place to live, dealing with family member’s issues, unresolved health issues, etc.) This is a daily experience. All of this is done under the cloak of urgency. For all of this information I will use and infographic and a video/animation using powtoons to display the information

4.2.2. The concept of planning doesn’t really exist, due to the fact that planning is tied to the belief that the individual has sufficient control of their life.

4.3. Values and Patterns

4.3.1. The values of those inside of the GP cycle are very different from those who have grown up in middle class. GP values will center more on survival and short–term outcomes.

4.3.2. In comparison, middle class values consist of education, work and being looked at as a productive member of society. In GP, it is also possible that counterproductive traditions are passed down such as low emphasis on education.

5. This is where I will describe myself to the audience (School, major, passions etc...)

5.1. For this, I will simply just use a text box and a picture box.

6. Survey on 5 questions regarding poverty in education

6.1. I will use google forms to present 5 questions to get a feel on what my viewers think of poverty in education.