Cancer Research Money

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Cancer Research Money par Mind Map: Cancer Research Money

1. Cancer Is Increasing

1.1. In the early 1940s cancer accounted for 12% of Australian deaths.

1.1.1. By 1992 this figure had climbed to 25.9% of Australian deaths. cancer is now the second major cause of death in Western countries such as Australia, the U.S.A. and the United Kingdom

2. Charity

2.1. Breast Cancer Foundation

2.1.1. Define actions as necessary

2.2. Live Strong Foundation

2.3. National Breast Cancer Foundation

3. Money Spent on Fraudulent Research?

3.1. A large portion of money donated to cancer research by the public is spent on animal research which has, since its inception, been widely condemned as a waste of time and resources.

3.1.1. animal results have often delayed and hampered advances in the war on cancer, they have never produced a single substantial advance either in the prevention or treatment of human cancer.

4. Most Cancer IS Preventable

4.1. Environmental causes of cancer include lifestyle factors such as smoking, a diet high in animal products and low in fresh fruit & vegetables, excessive exposure to sunlight, food additives, alcohol, workplace hazards, pollution, electromagnetic radiation, and even certain pharmaceutical drugs and medical procedures

4.1.1. According to the International Agency for Research in Cancer "...80-90 per cent of human cancer is determined environmentally and thus theoretically avoidable.