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Facebook par Mind Map: Facebook

1. How it is different

1.1. Facebook isn't limited to a word count for posts

1.2. Facebook has personalised videos that celebrate the birthdays, stories and friendship of users.

1.3. New apps for Facebook Messenger

1.4. Panorama photo turn into 360 view photo in Facebook.

1.5. Facebook is generally used to connect with people we know, whereas sites like Twitter and Instagram are used to connect with strangers.

1.6. Facebook Lite uses less data and works in all network conditions.

2. How marketers use Facebook to their advantage

2.1. Marketers pay certain rate to make their Page and Posts to reach certain limit of users, increasing a specific post’s reach and impressions.

2.2. Sponsored Posts allow marketers to take advantage of 'word of mouth' marketing methods.

2.3. Marketers should post content that engages with their users. The more the people that engage, the more frequently a post will appear on other people's timelines.

2.4. A wide range categories for businesses and individuals to choose from.