BrokeGurl, Inc Catering Image retrieved from Mindmeister (2016)

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BrokeGurl, Inc Catering Image retrieved from Mindmeister (2016) par Mind Map: BrokeGurl, Inc Catering Image retrieved from Mindmeister (2016)

1. Training Competencies

1.1. Training delivery, the information needs to be formal, engaging and effective. (ATD, 2015)

1.2. Learning technologies, learners must be know how to use technology. (ATD, 2015)

1.3. instruction design, knowing how to apply the learning theory so that the training is effective (ATD, 2015).

2. Effects of E-learning

2.1. Intrinsic Motivation - Learners are motivated  from within and when they are interested. (Harandi, 2015)

2.2. Extrinsic Motivation - Learners are motivated when there is a reward. (Harandi, 2015)

2.3. Relevance - learners are motivated to learn when it is relevant to what the need to know. (Harandi, 2015)

3. Ethical Consideration fro Integrated E-Learning

3.1. Ethical considerations of integrating e-learning: Privacy, Security and Uncertainty of Identity. Learners can lose privacy when their information is being monitored or tracked by either hackers or maybe even by the government which leads to their information not being secure by potential hackers. Also, messages can forged or sent anonymously as spam and if clicked on can lead to a virus or possible hacking ("Professional and ethical issues of e learning information technology", 2016).

4. Customer service training would benefit from the integration of E-Learning.

4.1. Cut training cost

4.2. Increase productivity

4.3. Set a Standard

5. Adult Learning Theories

5.1. Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior as it indicates whether or not a learner has learned something (Alzaghoul, n.d.). Behaviorism supports e-learning because it makes it easy to measure the success of the outcome ("Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism & Connectivism", 2016).

5.2. Cognitivism focuses on looking inside of the mind to determine what happens when the learner learns. It supports e-learning because the mind is able to process the information, store it and retrieve it ("Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism & Connectivism", 2016).

5.3. Constructivism focuses on what the learners know based on previous experiences. It supports e-learning because it ensures that learning takes place as learners participate in activities ("Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism & Connectivism", 2016).