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Autism par Mind Map: Autism

1. Treatments and Symptoms

1.1. Behavioral, Developmental, Cognitive, Psychological, as well as anxiety, a change in the voice, is sensitive to sounds, and may have a tic.

1.2. Therapies, medication, specialist

2. Reality vs. Signs of Austism

3. What Autism is and Background

3.1. In the early years of a child, it is hard for them to be interactive with other children and heir speaking becomes challenging.

4. Contact Information

4.1. If you have any questions or concerns contact me at (480)859-6242 or [email protected]

5. Sports

5.1. Biking, Track and Field, Swimming, Gymnastics, and Horseback Riding

6. How to help with speaking

6.1. Family

6.2. Teachers

7. Teaching skills and School Programs

8. Contact Information to Facilities

9. Autism Speaks

9.1. Autism Speaks is an organization that wants to change the future for Autistic children and there family's.  Call us! (888) 288-4762 En Español (888) 772-9050 Email us! [email protected]