An organisation

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An organisation par Mind Map: An organisation

1. Resources

1.1. Tangible

1.1.1. Physical

2. Learning goal 7: Stakeholders

2.1. Individuals, groups or organisations, with an interest in, or who are affected by what the organisation does

3. Learning goal 3: Models of management

3.1. Alan Fox

3.1.1. Unitary

3.1.2. Radical

3.1.3. Pluralist

3.2. Max Weber

3.2.1. Bureaucracy

3.3. Henri Foyal

3.3.1. Administrative management

3.4. Marky Parker Follet

3.4.1. Networks of people themself

3.5. Elton Mayo

4. Learning goal 3: Systems theory

4.1. Social technical systems

4.1.1. Outcome depend on the interaction of both the technical and social subsystems

4.2. Open systems

4.2.1. Contingency approach aspects of conditions managers should take into account shaping their oganisation

5. Learning goal 2: Role of the manager in an organisation

5.1. Networking

5.2. Controlling

5.3. Lobbying

5.4. planning

5.5. Organising

5.6. Henry Mintzberg

5.6.1. Informational

5.6.2. Interpersonal

5.6.3. Decisional

6. Learning goal 1: Departments of organisation

6.1. Production

6.2. R&D

6.3. Purchasing

6.3.1. This is a child idea

6.4. Marketing

6.5. HRM

6.6. Accounting and finance