Women and Technology

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Women and Technology par Mind Map: Women and Technology

1. Women who work in technology do not have sufficient representation, such as role models and sponsors.

1.1. Many women leave tech jobs midway into their careers, due to company's inability to provide certain accommodations.

2. At this moment, women in this field find work/life balance difficult to manage.

2.1. Communication barriers need to be broken down.

2.2. Flex time and telecommunication programs should be encouraged.

3. Few women enter the field due to the misunderstanding of what the job really is.

3.1. Young, female students could be taken on field trips, where they can be exposed to different jobs within the technology field.

4. Some women believe only certain types of women enter the field, such as "nerdy" or "geeky" women.

4.1. Female scientists and technologists should frequently be invited to classrooms as guest speakers to provide inspire students and answer questions.