communications, networks,  the internet, and the world wide web

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communications, networks,  the internet, and the world wide web par Mind Map: communications, networks,  the internet, and the world wide web

1. wide web

1.1. web page

1.2. website

1.3. hyper media

1.4. favorites


1.6. history list

1.7. searching

2. the internet

2.1. data packet backbone

2.2. domain name

2.3. packets

2.4. dial up access

2.5. communication protocol

3. graphics, animation

3.1. non text info

3.2. drawings,charts

3.3. thumbnail

3.4. appearance of motion

4. communication networks

4.1. collection of computers

4.2. share data

5. virtual reality

5.1. real world as #-D space

6. wireless schools and classrooms

6.1. K-12

6.2. broad band faster signals

6.3. share hardware, software

6.4. share info and data

7. other services

7.1. messaging

7.2. mailbox

7.3. email

7.4. chat rooms

8. What is it?

8.1. info

8.2. transfer data

9. wide area network

9.1. wireless system

9.2. phone lines

9.3. satellites

9.4. digital cables

10. home network

10.1. multiple computers in home or office