Joan Miró

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Joan Miró par Mind Map: Joan Miró

1. Most famous works

1.1. Harlequin's Carnival

1.1.1. 1924-25

1.2. Wall of the Moon

1.2.1. 1958

1.3. Wall of the Sun

1.3.1. 1958

1.4. The Hunter

1.4.1. 1923-24

2. Biographical Data

2.1. 1893-1983

2.2. Born in Barcelona, Spain

2.3. Based in Paris & Catalonia, Spain

2.4. Father was a goldsmith, watchmaker

2.5. Married Pilar Juncosa in 1929

2.5.1. Only child - Dolores - 1931

3. Spanish Keywords

3.1. cubismo

3.2. surealista

3.3. las estrellas

3.4. experimentación

3.5. biomórficas, enigmática, e innovador

4. Artistic Style

4.1. Surrealist

4.2. Automatism

4.2.1. random drawing to depict human psyche

4.3. Symbolic color and form

4.4. abstract elements

4.5. recurring bird, moon, eye motifs

4.6. Influenced by Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Masson, Chagall, Picabia

4.7. Influenced by expressionism, cubism, surrealism, dada, fauvism

5. Associated with surrealist movement