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RoBoHoN par Mind Map: RoBoHoN

1. cons

1.1. expensive

1.1.1. 198,000 yen plus tax)

1.2. extra fee is charged

1.2.1. 6 bucks per month for enjoying voice recognition functions.

1.3. bulky and  huge

1.3.1. 20 cm tall

1.4. not cost effective

1.4.1. expensive production fee , limited practical use compared to industrial or enterprise robots.

1.5. limited supplies

1.5.1. manage to produce 5000 per month only

2. pros

2.1. multi-function

2.1.1. all functions of a phone ,walk around , respond to voice commands , recognize owner’s face,project video and photos on to flat surfaces.

2.2. reduce screen interaction

2.2.1. all controlled by sound, good for eyes

2.3. promote the idea of 'innovation'

2.3.1. not just about 'numbers', it has a signal value

3. Price

3.1. 198,000 yen plus tax

4. Present

4.1. prezi

4.2. powerpoint

5. Functions

5.1. dance

5.2. alarm clock

5.3. photograph

5.4. reminder

5.5. projector

5.6. phone

5.7. talk message

5.8. search

5.9. facial recognition

5.10. express feelings

5.11. GPS

6. background

6.1. inventor

6.1.1. Japan Sharp

7. Market

7.1. Hong Kong (Hong Kong users need to pay 70 dollars for Japanese SIM card if they want to use it)

7.2. Japan

8. Sites Application

8.1. kitchen

8.1.1. while you are cooking, he can read out the new messages for you

8.2. office

8.2.1. when you want to search something, you can ask him to search

8.3. cafe

8.3.1. music player

8.4. travel

8.4.1. projector

8.5. park

8.5.1. ç