The Enlightenment Enlargement

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The Enlightenment Enlargement par Mind Map: The Enlightenment Enlargement

1. Ideas

1.1. With Enlightenment came new way of thinking

1.1.1. Governments feared this would cause uprisings

1.1.2. Censorship Abound

1.1.3. Philosophes begin disguising their views in works of fiction Montesquieu's The Persian Letters Voltaire's Candide

1.2. Salons

1.2.1. Informal Social Gatherings

1.2.2. Philosophers gathered hear to exchange ideas on an equal footing

2. Art and Literature

2.1. Before, art and architecture were Greek, Roman, or Baroque

2.1.1. Rococo style emerged; much lighter, elegant, and charming from the religiously-focused baroque style

2.2. "Classical" Music forms

2.2.1. Jonathan Sebastian

2.2.2. George Handel

2.2.3. Joseph Handl

2.2.4. Wolfgang Mozart

3. Enlightened Despots

3.1. Frederick the Great

3.1.1. Reduced Torture

3.1.2. Enabled Free Press

3.1.3. Invited Philosophes to Prussia

3.1.4. Religious Toleration

3.1.5. Didn't intend to give up power

3.2. Catherine the Great

3.2.1. Praised Voltaire

3.2.2. Didn't intend to give up power

3.3. Joseph II

3.3.1. Ended Censorship

3.3.2. Abolished Serfdom

3.3.3. Didn't intend to give up power