Virtual Travel and Inspection--Our BMC

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Virtual Travel and Inspection--Our BMC par Mind Map: Virtual Travel and Inspection--Our BMC

1. Customer Segments

1.1. who are they?

1.1.1. Busy overseas investors who wants to invest in melbourne real estate market

1.2. What are their wicket problems?

1.2.1. 1.Busy schedule, limited time

1.2.2. 2. Logistically challenging

1.2.3. 3. Excessive cost

1.2.4. 4. Currently no alternative method for inspection providing same or near same experience

1.2.5. 5. Mass carbon emission due to frequent air flights

2. Customer Relationships

2.1. What type of relationship our customer segment wants to establish?

2.1.1. Long term

2.1.2. Loyal

2.2. How?

2.2.1. Customer database

2.2.2. Emails and newsletters

3. Channels

3.1. Aus-China Real Estate Fairs

3.2. Online Platforms

3.3. Real Estate Agents

4. Value Proposition

4.1. The 3D technology we promote to our potential customers, provides an alternative method for property inspection. so that one can inspect a place without being physically present. Less travel means less pollution.

5. Key Activities

5.1. Market research

5.2. Approaching customers

5.3. Resource and Information gathering

5.4. Tech design and developing

5.5. User experience (Testing)

5.6. Modification

6. Key Resources

6.1. IT technician

6.2. Animated image processing technology

6.3. Gps & Panorama technology

6.4. Up-to-date Property information

7. Key Partners

7.1. IOS/Android store

7.2. Real estate agents

7.3. Real estate websites

7.4. Property developers

8. Cost and Revenue

8.1. Cost structure

8.1.1. web/app design

8.1.2. Marketing

8.1.3. Virtual Reality tech

8.1.4. customer relation

8.1.5. Labor cost (wages)

8.2. Revenue structure

8.2.1. APP sold for $1.99/download

8.2.2. commission from agents

8.2.3. advertisement revenue