Steve Neale (1980-1990) "Kneeling to conventions"

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Steve Neale (1980-1990) "Kneeling to conventions" par Mind Map: Steve Neale (1980-1990) "Kneeling to conventions"

1. Themes

1.1. Variation between friends

1.1.1. Conforms with cinematic friendship groups "Labels"

1.2. Set in a school

1.2.1. What the audience are expecting

1.2.2. Conforms with conventions

1.3. Teen Genre

1.3.1. Wide range of characters People identify with different characters Repetition- expect to see relatable (flawed) characters

2. Risks

2.1. As we complete the construction process of creating this film we might become more aware of risks we have taken

3. Differences

3.1. Aspect of school life chosen is rarely selected by film makers individually

3.2. Exam stress= Negative connotations

3.3. No aspect of romance

3.4. We give a positive outlook on life

4. Audience Expectation

4.1. Focus Group

4.2. This will help us see what our audience expects from our film