7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization par Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Sumerians

1.1. Architecture includes the use of arches, ramps and columns, all visible on the ziggurats

1.2. Statues with large wide-open eyes, as well as small objects carved out of ivory

1.3. Most famous are small cylinder seals engraved all around with detailed designs

1.4. People use cylinder seals to "sign" documents or to show ownership.

2. Economy and Trade

2.1. Sumerians

2.1.1. Traded with Southwest Asia because they had things that the other didn't have a surplus of

2.1.2. Traded woven textiles for metals, timber and stone

2.1.3. Trading was the start of economy

2.1.4. Kings controlled all trading and economy

2.2. Shang/ Zhou

2.2.1. Started hunting for a sport and not just for survival

2.2.2. Shang currency consisted of cowrie shells

2.2.3. Most workers were farmers

2.2.4. Zhou based on agriculture

3. Science

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. Sumerians developed a math system based on the number 60

3.1.2. Learned to use geometry and how to apply it in their everyday lives. They used shapes to create buildings and structures and weapons.

3.1.3. Geometry helped them build irrigation systems and elaborate buildings which held food so that they could create a surplus

3.1.4. Invented the wheel to help transport goods. It also helped with farming and made traveling a whole lot easier.

3.2. Shang/ Zhou

3.2.1. Writing on oracle bones which was big because it showed historians more about theirnlifetime

3.2.2. Used symbols for understanding what others were trying to say because not everyone spoke the same language so they knew that they could rely on.

3.2.3. Created a calendar based on the moon. They could track days, months, years and seasons because of this

3.2.4. Used bronze casting to create tools to help there everyday life

4. Religion

4.1. Sumerians

4.1.1. Religion shaped life and the way people lived in the city-states

4.1.2. The Gods controlled natural sources such as the environment, when there were earthquakes, etc.

4.1.3. Polytheism was practiced by Sumerians, which is the belief in one or more god

4.1.4. The people worked hard to praise Gods by being the best that they could be

4.2. Shang/ Zhou

4.2.1. Prisoners in war would be sacrificed in a tomb

4.2.2. Tombs would have valuable things made of bronze which showed historians that they believed in an afterlife

4.2.3. Shangs religion was an ancestor worship which meant to understand, to love and worship their ancestors and people before them

4.2.4. They look for advice through bones inscribed in turtle shells

5. Arts and Education

5.1. Shang/ Zhou

5.1.1. Contained valuable items made of bronze and jade.

5.1.2. Oracle bones are the bones that they wrote on to ask questions

5.1.3. Bronze Age created bronze vessels, tools, and weapons

5.1.4. Labor intensive bronze production was a symbiotic as they were representative of Shang ritual ceremonies and burial traditions

6. Government and Leaders

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. Men held political powers over the civilization. They made all of the decisions.

6.1.2. Men made all of the laws for the civilization and the women did not have any role in the government.

6.1.3. Women took care of home and children. The women stayed home and cleaned and cooked. They usually did not leave the house except for church.

6.1.4. Kings, Priests, and Principal Agents at top

6.2. Shang/Zhou

6.2.1. Ruled by a strong monarchy. The shang's government was based on the wealthiest, meaning the wealthiest was on top.

6.2.2. Shang kings were surrounded by a court, the court helped control decisions that the king made.

6.2.3. Zhou conquered the shang civilization. They changed the ways of the Shang immediately after they took over the civilization.

6.2.4. Introduced mandate of heaven. The people in the shang civilization did not like the new idea but the Zhou changed it anyway.

7. Social Structure and Family Life

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. Men held political power and made all of the laws

7.1.2. Women took care of the home and children. Very few upper-class women received education and served as priestesses in the temples

7.1.3. Four social classes: priests,the upper-class, the lower class and slaves

7.1.4. In most cases you were determined your class based off of your clothes

7.2. Shang/ Zhou

7.2.1. Shang, China was largely an agriculture society

7.2.2. Even though most people spent their time in the fields, some were called upon to fight in the army and some were called to build big projects. Ex: tombs,palaces, walls, ect

7.2.3. In contrast to many people, the Shang ruling elite had free time to spend in pursuit of leisure activities such as hunting for sport

7.2.4. The Shang ruling elite also enjoyed collecting expensive objects made of bronze or jade which were very treasured at that time