Media Convergence- Participatory Culture

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Media Convergence- Participatory Culture par Mind Map: Media Convergence- Participatory Culture

1. Innovation

1.1. Looking for new and better ways as opposed to the older ways that aren't necessarily updated.

1.1.1. (Creating new ways or taking ideas from other groups)

2. Change

2.1. How sites change their site as well as the materials that make it itself

2.1.1. Facebook adding trending, Instagram adding stories etc. etc

3. Accessability

3.1. Corporations are looking for new ways to make it easier and faster for their consumers

3.2. Users are constantly looking for new platforms to gain information from

4. Engagement

4.1. You can engage with others through various forms of social media

4.2. Communicating with others in your community eg. Watching the debate with others

4.3. Participating in sharing opinions, making memes, etc.

4.4. Using tutorials to help others.