My Perfect Life

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My Perfect Life par Mind Map: My Perfect Life

1. God

1.1. He strengthens me

1.2. He's my savior

1.3. He guides me. every step of the way

2. Relationship

2.1. with God of course

2.2. 2 yrs and counting with my boyfriend

2.3. Im glad with the few friends I have

3. Myself

3.1. Youngest in the family

3.2. Life is a mess

3.3. Still, I'm blessed

3.4. Savage but heart is gold

4. Career

5. Goals

5.1. To be a future Educator

5.2. To make my parents proud

5.3. Travel around the world

5.4. Celebrate my 20th birthday in the charity

6. Family

6.1. Pete is my dad.

6.1.1. I have a brother named Pellan

6.1.2. He's intelligent

6.1.3. Licensed nurse

6.1.4. Nclex passer

6.2. A very hard-working man

6.3. Marivic is my mother

6.3.1. I have a sister named Pellaine

6.3.2. she's a married woman

6.3.3. She has 2 kids

6.4. she's a caring mom