Renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels in aircraft

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Renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels in aircraft par Mind Map: Renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels in aircraft

1. Alternative resources

1.1. Liquid Hydrogen

1.2. Solar energy

1.3. Synthetic fuel

1.4. Bio-derived fuel

1.5. Nuclear - powered

2. Challenge using fossil fuel

2.1. High emission of carbon dioxide

2.1.1. greenhouse effect / global warming

2.2. Limited resources

2.3. High cost

2.4. Hazardous towards human being

2.5. Low efficiency

3. Challenge using renewable energy

3.1. Low energy density

3.2. Lack of technology

3.3. failure to market

3.4. Large initial investments

3.5. Storage problems

4. Solar vehicle concept

4.1. Convert solar energy to electrical energy ( photovoltaic cell )

4.2. Storage

4.3. High performance efficiency

4.4. Low cost

5. Traditional aircraft

5.1. Use lots of fossil fuel

5.2. Low performance

5.3. Low fuel efficiency

5.4. Not safe for environment

5.5. High consumption of fuel

6. Why renewable energy?

6.1. Safe for environment

6.2. High efficiency

6.3. Unlimited resources

6.4. Low failure - percentage