What is homework?

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What is homework? par Mind Map: What is homework?

1. What most people think about homework...

1.1. It is a waste of time!

1.1.1. It takes away from time to do fun stuff! You've already been at school ALL day! Why should you have to continue working on stuff at home too!?

2. So why does homework matter?

2.1. It helps form study habits.

2.1.1. It will help for future academic careers. It serves as a good form of discipline. It gives students more time with a topic being learned about in class.

3. Homework defined...

3.1. Homework is work assigned for students to complete outside of the classroom to help them understand the curriculum they begin to learn about in class (Scheerens 2013; Bempechat 2004).

3.1.1. What are some examples of homework? Take-home quizzes, simple math questions, essays, readings from the textbook, science projects, and so much more!