Nutrition and Learning

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Nutrition and Learning par Mind Map: Nutrition and Learning

1. Karen

1.1. Stopped Growing

1.2. Underweight

1.3. Balanced Diet

1.3.1. Weight Gain

2. excess sugars, dyes, preservatives, milk and wheat products

2.1. affect Activity levels

2.2. attention

2.3. interaction

2.4. confidence

2.5. sense of well being

3. Nate

3.1. Sugar

3.1.1. Developmental delays

3.1.2. active

3.1.3. Aggressive

3.2. Non sugar

3.2.1. calmer

3.2.2. Focused

3.2.3. interacts with others

4. Lana

4.1. 4 Medications


4.3. Bad diet

4.3.1. Poor Behavior

4.3.2. acting out

4.3.3. Trouble maker

4.4. Eliminated Foods

4.4.1. Delightful

4.4.2. Positive Behaviors