teacher of the mounth

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teacher of the mounth par Mind Map: teacher of the mounth

1. topics

1.1. why were doing this

1.1.1. most people have opinions of teachers we will not put the names of the students because knowing middle schoolers they will not accept your opinions. we will finally see which the best teachers. let the teachers began

1.2. how were doing this

1.2.1. we will ask the teacher to take the students out of class and the students will give their opinions. then we will go to the next class.

1.3. what we doing

1.3.1. in this project we are doing the teacher of the month we are getting students together to see what teacher they like. and be honest the most like the teacher have they will be the teacher of the month we will go to class to class and take the students out first let's tell the teacher we will make a list of the teachers and we will put tally marks on the vote the most tallies they have they won all students don't have to attend and this is what were doing

1.4. what class were doing this is

1.4.1. Mrs. Willis Mr. Smith