online learning give more benefit than harm?

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online learning give more benefit than harm? par Mind Map: online learning give more benefit than harm?

1. Introduction

1.1. a method of delivering educational information through internet

1.2. help people looking to study online

2. variety of courses and accredited

2.1. students can choose any options meanwhile money saving option can reduce

2.2. students who live far from home can taking online classes and transferred their credit from the previous studies

3. communication

3.1. the student more comfortable talking openly with their lecturer

3.2. electronically sent to the student (more comfortable)

4. flexibility

4.1. opportunity to plan their study around spare time

4.2. balance their time schedule anf focuses on family commitments

5. conclusion

5.1. the students able to manage their time wisely and learn the materials that are presented

5.2. complete the assignments on their own schedules, gains more self learning and comfortable