Differentiated Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction par Mind Map: Differentiated Instruction

1. Presentation

1.1. Whole class instruction

1.1.1. Teacher centered

1.1.2. Lecture/deomonstration

1.2. Small group instruction

1.2.1. Teacher group and student groups

1.3. Stations

1.3.1. Student centered

1.3.2. Activities

1.4. Cooperative groups

1.4.1. Problem solving learning

1.4.2. Book learning

2. Process (how it's done)

2.1. Pencil+paper

2.1.1. Worksheets

2.1.2. Book work

2.2. Group work

2.2.1. Different ability levels help each other

2.3. Stations

2.3.1. Student centered activities

3. Product (how to demonstrate knowledge)

3.1. Assesments

3.1.1. Differentiate between amount that students do (Five problems, 10 problems, etc.)

3.2. Essays/reports

3.3. Projects

3.3.1. More artistic students

3.4. Presentations

3.4.1. Good talkers

3.4.2. Allows students to be creative