Technology in the future

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Technology in the future par Mind Map: Technology in the future

1. Medicine

1.1. 3D printers

1.1.1. It is developing the possibility of printing functional organs for transplants in human bodies

1.1.2. In China, they already print some organs like ears but in a small size

1.2. Implantable sensors

1.2.1. Can monitor factors such as blood pressure or the presence of toxic substances

1.2.2. They can also monitor temperature, blood pressure and different factors in real time

1.3. Benefits

1.3.1. Transplant important organs like heart, liver, kidneys,etc that may suffer of cancer or some disease.

1.3.2. Monitor in a better and constant way the human body.

2. Personal life

2.1. Transportation

2.1.1. We can find new types of cars with more velocity and with a new design to go far away

2.1.2. Maybe in the future we can create flying cars

2.2. Recycle

2.2.1. We can find new machines to improve the recycle process and help the environment.

3. Education

3.1. Computers

3.1.1. They offer to us a new virtual world were we can find a lot of information for education.

3.1.2. They can answer us the social economics and social changes.

3.2. Electronic books

3.2.1. In whatever place you can read or search for a book and developing our mind

3.3. Light out

3.3.1. It serves us to project videos of resolution

3.3.2. Uses a laser technology