health plan costs

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health plan costs par Mind Map: health plan costs

1. perscription

1.1. PAY $5

2. eye exam

2.1. in network pay $10 out of network pay 20%

3. urgent care visit for broken foot

3.1. pay $10 or 20%

4. surgery for foot

4.1. in network pay nothing out of network pay 20%

5. doctors visit for normal checkup

5.1. in network pay $5 out of network pay 20%

6. emergency room visit

6.1. pay $25

7. urgent care for shots

7.1. in network pay $10 out of network pay 20%

8. doctors office visit for cough

8.1. in network pay $5 out of network pay 20%

9. emergency room visit for stitches $1152

9.1. pay $25

10. hospital stay for flu

10.1. in network pay nothing out of network pay 20%

11. appendectomy surgery $10000

11.1. in network pay nothing out of network pay 20%

12. perscription

12.1. pay $5