There are many connections between the...

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There are many connections between the... par Mind Map: There are many connections between the...

1. Urinary System

2. Cranberries

3. Using fructose to remove e coli from the bladder wall

4. Preventing  Urinary Tract Infections

5. Homeopathy

6. Alcohol

7. Nervous System

8. Alcohol blocks GABA and glutamate receptors

9. Analgesics

10. Analgesics block the parasympathetic nerves that control the bladder sphincter

11. Immune System

12. Vaccines

13. Protection Mechanisms for the body against infections and diseases

14. Stimulating the system in natural ways

15. Creating memory cells to fight off infections and diseases

16. Mimicking infections, to fight off infections

17. Creates water retention due to not all the urine being able to be released from uretha

18. Water retention in bladder causes bacteria growth. Immune system must fight this off

19. Urinary System is Blue

20. Immune system is Red

21. Nervous System is Green