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Poetry par Mind Map: Poetry

1. onomatopoeia

1.1. examples

1.1.1. BOOM!

1.1.2. Splat!

1.1.3. buzz buzz

1.1.4. ringa-ding-ding-ding

1.2. word sounds

2. imagery

2.1. poem with lots of imagery

2.1.1. Fall The chilly weather settles into your bones. Those once green leaves turn Red, yellow, orange, and brown. CRRNCH! go the leaves,, Beneath your feet. The birds fly in a victory “V” formation, To where the sun rules the skies. The days of winter are lurking around Waiting to be free falling.

2.2. the mental images a poem conveys

3. alliteration

3.1. examples

3.1.1. leaping lizards

3.1.2. fussy frogs

3.1.3. grinning gophers

3.1.4. happy hippopotamuses

3.1.5. nasty knight (even though they are different letters, the SOUND is the same)

3.2. two words (or close to each other) that start with the same sound

4. symbolism

4.1. example

4.1.1. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." The roads symbolize CHOICES people make.

4.2. A concrete item that represents an abstract idea.

5. types

5.1. cinquain

5.2. free verse

5.3. haiku

5.4. sonnet

5.5. ode

5.6. couplet

5.7. limerick

6. simile

6.1. a figure of speech that compares two things using the words "as" or "like"

6.2. examples

6.2.1. I am as hungry as a horse.

6.2.2. Shine bright like a diamond.

6.2.3. The dress is as red as a rose

7. metaphor

7.1. a figure of speech that compares two things WITHOUT using the words "as" or "like"

7.2. examples

7.2.1. You are a star.

7.2.2. The baby is so hungry, she is a shark!

7.2.3. Look at Marla the cheetah, she is the fastest runner in the school!

8. rhyme

8.1. examples

8.1.1. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

8.1.2. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more.”

8.1.3. So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes.

8.2. two words that have the same ending sounds

9. personification

9.1. examples

9.1.1. The shadows danced along the wall.

9.1.2. The car coughed as it started.

9.1.3. The lawn gnome stood guard at the doorstep.

9.2. giving human-like attributes to non-human entities

10. poets

10.1. Shel Silverstein

10.2. Langston Hughes

10.3. Pablo Neruda