Customer Service: Problem Resolution Practice

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Customer Service: Problem Resolution Practice par Mind Map: Customer Service: Problem Resolution Practice

1. Contact customer

1.1. Email

1.2. Phone call Conversation

1.3. Front desk

2. Conclusions and apologies

2.1. Contact customers to apologise

2.2. Give them a posible solution

2.3. Get their feedback

2.3.1. Use it to improve your customer service

3. State posible solutions

3.1. Think about how to solve the problem

3.2. What are you going to do?

4. Gather information

5. Whatch this video as a previous guide for problem resolution with angry customers

6. Think about the problem (Brainstorming)

6.1. Why is the customer unsatisfied?

6.2. What will you do to solve it?

6.3. How will you manage the situation?

7. Research

7.1. Ask for feedback

7.2. Investigate what has happened

7.2.1. Talk to client

7.2.2. Ask employees

7.2.3. References