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36 Cycling par Mind Map: 36 Cycling

1. Products

1.1. personalised team clothes

1.2. helmets

1.3. accessories

1.4. glasses

1.5. socks

1.6. rain jackets

1.7. cycling bag

1.8. cycling shoes

1.9. gloves

1.10. bottle

1.11. cap

1.12. ipad sleeve

1.13. roompot teamwear

2. what is the problem statement?

2.1. small brand

2.2. unknown

2.3. low brand awareness

2.4. low brand loyalty

2.5. weak brand image

2.6. competitors

3. prices

3.1. expensive

3.2. 10-50 accessories

3.3. clothes >80

4. promotion

4.1. sponsorship team roompot nederlandse loterij

4.2. little bit social media

4.3. 36 magical number

5. targetgroup

5.1. sportive men

5.2. midlife crisis

5.3. recreational, free time cyclist

5.4. professional cyclist

5.5. group of friends

6. goal

6.1. creating high brand awareness