Social Computing

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Social Computing par Mind Map: Social Computing

1. Chat With Others

2. Sharing Information

3. The Begining

3.1. The first computer system that support Social Computing Was PLATO Platfrom

4. Play and chat with Other

5. Type

5.1. Social Media

5.1.1. Twitter

5.1.2. Facebook

5.1.3. Instagram

5.1.4. Path

5.2. Online Games

5.2.1. Closers

5.2.2. Flyff

5.2.3. Mabinogi

5.2.4. Dota 2

5.2.5. Cosmic Break

5.2.6. Cosmic league

5.2.7. Dream Of Mirror Online

5.2.8. Ragnarok

5.3. Instant Messenger

5.3.1. Yahoo Messenger

5.3.2. Line

5.3.3. Whatsapp

5.3.4. Skype

5.3.5. Google Talk

5.3.6. Teamspeak

5.3.7. Telegram

5.3.8. Kakao Talk

5.4. Blogs

5.4.1. Blogspot

5.4.2. Wordpress

5.5. Email

5.5.1. Yahoo!

5.5.2. Gmail

5.5.3. Hotmail

5.6. Wiki/Wikipedia

5.7. Online Dates

5.7.1. OkCupid

5.7.2. eHarmony


6. Adventage

6.1. Comunicate with Others

6.2. Sharing Informations

6.3. Play With Others

7. Disadventage

7.1. Vulnurable to Cyber Crime

7.2. Can Post Bad Things

7.3. Cyber Abuse