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capitalism par Mind Map: capitalism

1. theory.

1.1. labor theory of value

1.1.1. the value of commodity is determine by the quantity of social necessary labor time to produce it (Karl Max)

2. how?

2.1. United States of America

2.1.1. allows private ownership and then track profit on what sells

2.1.2. allows exclusive right and patents to production of modern technologies

2.2. to make profit

2.2.1. the idea of exploitation the workers

2.2.2. necessary labour the amount of hours spend on producing commodity is equivalent to the value of wages worker will be paid

3. surplus labour

3.1. worker does beyond above would produce

4. constant capital

4.1. other commodities simply pass their value onto the finished commodities by do not trade any extra value

5. why?

5.1. Japan

5.1.1. Japanese companies learned to focus an specialization

5.1.2. reason? able to capitalize on gains and become industry leaders

6. what?

6.1. United States of America

6.1.1. no colors and welcomes anyone to work hard market a product and to bring it to fruition.

6.1.2. generating profit through the purchase of commodities and transforming them into other commodities. useful external object produced for exchange in market

6.1.3. condition for production existence of a market social division of labor

6.2. Germany

6.2.1. top list of capitalism country

6.2.2. institutions- banking

6.2.3. priority to train labor force to succeed in various industries

6.2.4. allowing local entrepreneur to develop in new industries

6.2.5. dominant role in exporting