Arianna's Mind Map Project

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Arianna's Mind Map Project par Mind Map: Arianna's Mind Map Project

1. Levels of Food Pyramid

1.1. Producer

1.2. Primary Consumer

1.3. Secondary Consumer

1.4. Tertiary Consumer

2. Forests

2.1. Trophic levels

2.2. Rainforest

2.3. Temperate Deciduous Forest

2.4. Coniferous Forest

3. Succession

3.1. Ecological Succession

3.2. Primary Succession

3.3. Secondary Succession

4. Population

4.1. Limiting Factors

4.2. Carrying Capacity

4.3. Population Growth

4.4. Exponential Growth

4.5. Sustainability

4.6. Logistic Growth

4.7. Population Growth Rate

5. Levels of Organization

5.1. Population

5.2. Biome

5.3. community

5.4. organism

5.5. ecosystem

5.6. biosphere

6. Biomes

6.1. Desert

6.2. Tundra

6.3. Grassland/savannah

6.4. Freshwater Biome

6.5. Marine Biome

7. biotic Factors

7.1. Biotic Factors

7.2. Abiotic Factors

8. Negative Impacts on Society

8.1. Black Plague

8.2. Industrial Revolution

9. Difference in Diagram

9.1. J-Curve

9.2. S-Curve

10. Pollution

10.1. Water Population

10.2. Point Source

10.3. Non-point Source

10.4. Aquifer