Concealed Carry

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Concealed Carry par Mind Map: Concealed Carry

1. Opposing view

1.1. Argument

1.2. "Carrying a concealed handgun increases the chances of a confrontation escalating and turning lethal."


2. Third paragraph

2.1. Argument

2.2. "Responsible citizens should have the right to arm themselves against criminals with guns."


3. First paragraph

3.1. Thesis statement

3.2. Concealed carry is the practice of carrying a handgun in public legally.

3.3. Gun laws are the cause of some of the most violent crimes in America, they need to be modified to make it easier for gun purchases, concealed carry, and for gun free zones to be eliminated.

4. Conclusion

4.1. Restate thesis statement

4.2. According to about 75% of americans accept concealed carry.

4.3. Concealed carry according to hundreds of websites concludes that concealed carry deters crime and it has proven to be useful.

5. First paragraph

5.1. Argument

5.2. Example

5.3. Sources