Rory's M2U4A3: Disabilities and how to surmount them

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Rory's M2U4A3: Disabilities and how to surmount them par Mind Map: Rory's M2U4A3: Disabilities and how to surmount them

1. Disabilities

1.1. Developmental Delay

1.2. Deaf-Blindness

1.3. Traumatic Brain Injury

1.4. Visual Impairment Including Blindness

1.5. Speech or Language Impairment

1.6. Specific Learning Disability

1.7. Other Health Impairment

1.8. Autism

1.9. Deafness

1.10. Orthopedic Impairment

1.11. Multiple Disabilities

1.12. Intellectual Disabilities

1.13. Emotional Disturbance

1.14. Hearing Impairment

2. Modfications

2.1. Autism Modifications

2.1.1. Visual Instructions

2.1.2. Evaluate sensory needs

2.1.3. Adapt environment for few distractions

2.1.4. Peer to Peer Interactions

2.1.5. Use Role Play

2.2. Developmental Delay Modfications

2.2.1. Avoid distractions

2.2.2. Consistent Routines

2.2.3. Identify the missing milestone

2.3. Deaf-Blindness Assistance

2.3.1. Touch cues

2.3.2. Gestures

2.3.3. Object and Picture Symbols

2.3.4. Finger Spelling

2.3.5. Braille

2.3.6. Large Print Writing and Reading

2.4. Traumatic Brain Injury Assistance

2.4.1. Additional Time

2.4.2. Extra Breaks

2.4.3. Clarify and Diversify Instructions

2.4.4. Portable Computers for assignments and note taking

2.4.5. Reduce quantity of work in favor of quality

2.5. Visual Impairment Accommodations

2.5.1. Communicate clearly

2.5.2. Change the material presentation

2.5.3. Modify Assignments

2.5.4. Create Optimum Environment

2.5.5. Use computers that can magnify text

2.5.6. Scan printed materials to programs that can read the text

2.6. Speech or Language Assistance

2.6.1. Assisting Listening Device

2.6.2. Alternative Communication Devices

2.6.3. Alerting Devices

2.7. Specific Learning Disability Assistance

2.7.1. Audio Recording instead of text

2.7.2. Higher use of digital media and less reliance on a text book

2.7.3. Enhance text size

2.7.4. Designated reader

2.7.5. Additional Time for assignments and tests

2.8. Other Health Impairment Accommodations

2.8.1. Make sure to have personalized instructions.

2.8.2. Physical therapy

2.8.3. Counseling

2.8.4. Have available medical services

2.9. Deafness Assistance

2.9.1. Priority seating arrangement

2.9.2. Control the students attention

2.9.3. Reduce visual distractions

2.9.4. Modify assignments to be read and not listened to

2.9.5. Speech to text translation captioning

2.10. Orthopedic Impairment Assistance

2.10.1. Proper seating arrangement

2.10.2. Involvement of a specialist

2.10.3. Multiple apparatuses depending on the nature of the condition

2.11. Multiple Disabilities Accommodations

2.11.1. Be familiar with the IEP

2.11.2. Modify assignments

2.11.3. Constant communication with the administration and the parents

2.11.4. Consider assistive technology

2.12. Intellectual Disability Accommodations

2.12.1. Be familiar with the IEP

2.12.2. Go step by step in the classwork

2.12.3. Modify the classwork to suit their level

2.12.4. Give immediate feedback

2.12.5. Address social aspects of the school

2.13. Emotional Disturbance Accommodations

2.13.1. Give the student class responsibilities

2.13.2. Well established class rules

2.13.3. Remain positive

2.13.4. Rethink how punishments are enforced

2.14. Hearing Impairment Accommodations

2.14.1. Priority Seating

2.14.2. Assistance with a personal communication device

2.14.3. Give directions and assignments in text base

3. Case Studies

3.1. Megan

3.2. Nick

3.3. Bryanna