Is an MBA Worth the Work? A look into the after effects of attaining a Masters of Business Admini...

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Is an MBA Worth the Work? A look into the after effects of attaining a Masters of Business Administration Degree. par Mind Map: Is an MBA Worth the Work? A look into the after effects of attaining a Masters of Business Administration Degree.

1. What are the best areas to work in with an MBA?

1.1. When wanting to work in areas such as finance, marketing, consulting, or supply chain management.

1.2. Many companies are looking to hire MBA graduates in managerial positions including small businesses and government agencies.

2. Does an MBA increase hirability?

2.1. Companies in 2015 said they would hire considerably more MBAs than in past years.

2.2. MBA hire rates are increasing and projection is going up as well.

3. How does an MBA effect yearly income versus average cost of degree?

3.1. Average Starting Salary $91,940

3.2. National average total tuition for top 20 college in 2012 was $102, 355.

4. Two negatives of getting an MBA

4.1. Attaining an MBA often requires part time schooling and changing of work hours to part time..

4.2. Students who attained an MBA only hoping to get good jobs were largely disappointed if they were not hired immediately and thought of the degree as a waste.