Enlightenment Ideas

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Enlightenment Ideas par Mind Map: Enlightenment Ideas

1. Enlightenment ideas spread all across Europe.

2. Salons: Informal Social Gatherings

2.1. Writers

2.2. Philosiphers

2.3. Artists

2.4. Most Respected Salon: Madame Geoffrin - Rue St. Honore

2.4.1. Brought Mozart

3. Baroque: Huge, Colorful, Exciting

4. Rococo: Light, Elegant, Charming

5. Ideas led to new forms of music.

5.1. Bach

5.2. Haydn

6. Censorship: Restriction of Ideas

6.1. Montesquieu and Voltaire

6.1.1. Disguised ideas in fiction.

6.1.2. Exposed hypocrisy of European society

7. Enlightened Despots: Absolute Rulers - Political, Social Change

7.1. Accepted the new Enlightened Ideas.

7.2. Frederick II (Prussia) -1740-1746

7.2.1. Reforms: Reduced Torture, Free Press

7.2.2. Fond of Voltaire's Work

7.2.3. Desired stronger monarchy and individual power

7.3. Catherine the Great (Russia)-1762

7.3.1. Also Praised Voltaire

7.3.2. Believed in equality and liberty

7.3.3. Expanded Russian Empire

7.4. Joseph II: Son of Theresa (Hapsburg)

7.4.1. Equality for protestants and Jews

7.4.2. Sold monasteries, abolished serfdom