secondary research

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secondary research par Mind Map: secondary research

1. winters school finder

1.1. any differences between independent and state schools?

2. Sports participation

2.1. The overall impact of sports participation on academic achievement tends to be low


3.1. 'widely documented struggle for distinction amongst the middle classes'

3.2. university and extra curricular

3.2.1. sixth form

3.3. increasing competitiveness of the educational system

4. ‘Can changing inspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment?’

4.1. three types of ECAs: • non-academic activity-based interventions; • study support; and • multi-strand extra-curricular interventions

4.2. what evidence is there for the effects of ECAs?: school attainment? school attendance?

4.3. effects on those who are more socio economically deprived any different?

5. the extent of ECAs

5.1. age range

5.1.1. primary? secondary? sixthform?

5.2. non academic, academic

5.2.1. I will not include study support as a form of extra-curricular activity in my project