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Chapter 4: par Mind Map: Chapter 4:

1. Still image

1.1. Bitmaps(raster)

1.1.1. Bitmap is a simple matrix of the tiny dots that form an image and are displayed on a screen or printed

2. Natural light and color models

2.1. Additive color

2.1.1. In the additive color method, a color is created by combining colored light sources in three primary colors-red, green, and blue (RGB)

2.2. Subtractive color

2.2.1. In the substrate color method , color is created by combining colored media such as painted or ink

2.3. Dithering

2.3.1. Usually, digitized images are 24 bit, 16 million color depth.

3. Macintosh formats

3.1. PICT is a versatile format developed by Apple.

4. Windows formats

4.1. The most commonly used image file format on Window is DIB, also known as BMP

5. JPEG(Joint photographic Expert Group)

5.1. Commonly used standard method of compression for photographic images

6. Cross-platform formats

6.1. JPEG, GIF, and PNG- Most commonly used format on the Web

7. GIF

7.1. 8-bit per pixel, bitmap image format commonly used by the world wide web

8. PNG

8.1. Support more than 16.7 million colors.

8.2. Use lossless compression technique

9. Image file compression

9.1. Lossless compression

9.1.1. Every single bit of data that was originally in the file is uncompressed. All of the information is completely restored

9.2. Lossy compression

9.2.1. Reduces a file by permanently eliminating certain information, especially redundant information

10. Vector graphics

10.1. Advantages

10.1.1. Vector images use less memory space

10.2. Disadvantages

10.2.1. Object/drawing cannot have texture

10.2.2. Cannot be used for photorealistic images

10.3. New node

11. Vector drawing

11.1. Vector-drawn graphics

11.1.1. Applications of vector-drawn object

11.1.2. How vector-drawn images work

11.1.3. Vector-drawn image versus bitmaps

11.2. Vector-drawn images are used in the following areas

11.2.1. Computer-aided design (CAD) programs needed by architects and engineers

11.2.2. graphic artist designing for the print media

12. Bitmaps

12.1. Advantages

12.1.1. Can have different textures on the drawing ; detailed and comprehensive

12.2. Disadvantages

12.2.1. Large file size

12.2.2. Not easy to make modification to objects/drawings

12.2.3. Resizing a bit mapped image requires either duplicating pixels

12.2.4. Graphics become "blocky" when the size is increased.