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Chapter 3 par Mind Map: Chapter 3

1. Unicode

1.1. Unicode is a 16 bit character for multilingual text and character encoding

2. Extended character sets

2.1. Extra 1 bit in ASCII up to 256 character

3. Character sets

3.1. Computer can only understand numbers, so an ASCII ( American stand for code for information interchange) code is the numerical representation of a character

4. Hypermedia

4.1. Is not constrained to be text based

5. Hypertext

5.1. Is a text which contains link to other texts

5.2. Subset of hypermedia

6. Anchor

6.1. Is defined as the reference from one document to another document, image , sound ,on file on the web

7. Nodes

7.1. Accessible topics, documents, messages, and content elements

8. Links

8.1. Connect between conceptual elements

9. Hypertext systems are used for

9.1. Electronic publishing and references work

9.2. Technical documentation

9.3. Educational courseware

9.4. Interactive kiosks

9.5. Electronic catalog

10. Text elements use in multimedia

10.1. Menus for navigation

10.2. Interactive buttons

10.2.1. A button is a clickable object that executes a command when activated

10.3. Fields for reading

10.3.1. Reading a hard copy is easier and faster than reading from the computer screens

10.3.2. A document can be printed in one of two orientations:portrait or landscape

10.4. HTML documents

10.4.1. Hypertext markup language used to create web pages

10.5. Symbols and icons

10.5.1. Symbols are concentrated text in the form of stand-alone graphic constructs

11. Cases

11.1. A capitalized letter is referred to as uppercase, while small letter is lowercase

12. Font terminology

12.1. Baseline

12.1.1. The line on which the bases of character are arranged

12.2. Cap height

12.2.1. Refers to the height of a capital letter

12.3. X-height

12.3.1. The distance between the baseline and the top of a lower-case letter x

12.4. Ascenders/descenders

12.4.1. Stroke that rise above the x-height/ drop below the baseline

12.5. Kerning

12.5.1. Adjustment of space between certain pairs of letters(e.g.AV) to make them look more formal

12.6. Tracking

12.6.1. Adjustment of space for groups of letters

13. Font style

13.1. Boldface

13.2. Italic

13.3. Underlining

13.4. Outlining