What Nutrition predictors effect Child Development

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What Nutrition predictors effect Child Development par Mind Map: What Nutrition predictors effect Child Development

1. Vitamins

1.1. Glucose-blood sugar is source of fuel for our brains

1.2. minor vitamin deficiencies can negatively impact learning performance (Young et al 2004)

2. Knowledge of Nutrition

2.1. Limited exposure to a variety of foods during the preschool years has the potential to significantly impact a child's health status and eating patterns both for the short and long term (Young and et al, 2004)

2.2. Students need to be versed on the effects of importance of hydration and staying away from diuretic drinks like, tea, coffee and soft drinks(Jenson, 2008).

2.3. vitamin supplements can increase cognitive benefits even if already eating smart (Jenson, 2008).

3. Hydration

3.1. Both, dehydration and overhydration can lead to negative conditions unconducive to learning (Jensen 2008).

4. Socioeconomic status strong indictor of risk for chronic diseases

4.1. limited resource=limited health care and health programs

4.2. Individual's family financial resources

5. Perception about food

5.1. young children will expand the variety of foods eaten if given the opportunity to experience new foods in a positive environment. Yet it may take 8 to 15 exposures before a child is willing to eat each new food(Young and et al, 2004).

5.2. low-income learners skip or just have carbs for breakfast, when protein is needed to replenish glucose (Jensen, 2008).