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Mibs par Mind Map: Mibs

1. Rocket

1.1. His savvy is electricity

1.2. He is 17 years old

1.3. He is going with Momma to go see Poppa at the Salina hospital.

1.4. He is home schooled

2. Momma

2.1. Her savvy is being perfect.

3. Poppa

3.1. He loves Mamma even though he knows about her savvy.

4. Gypsy

4.1. She is 3 years old.

4.2. She was the one that started calling Mibs "Mibs".

5. Will Junior

5.1. Likes Mibs

5.2. He is very curious to know more about Mibs and Fish. He suspects that they're different.

6. Bobbi

6.1. Likes Rocket Mibs' older brother.

6.2. She has an eyebrow piercing and is trying to hide it with her bangs.

6.3. She acts like she doesn't like Will Jr. but is very overprotective of him.

7. Lester Swan

7.1. Has a job delivering Bibles and is not very good at doing so.

7.2. He has two tattoos, one is of his mother and the other of this Ex-wife/ ex-girlfriend.

8. Lil

8.1. Her car gets broken down that is why she gets on the pink bus with Lester and the kids.

8.2. She works at a diner and Oz her boss fires her for being late as usual.

9. Fish

9.1. He is 14 years old.

9.2. He was the reason that they had to move to Kansas/ Nebraska.

9.3. His savvy is storms.

10. Grandpa Bomba.

10.1. His savvy is making more land where there isn't or making the land that is already there bigger.

10.2. He is Momma's father.

10.3. He loves his wife that passed away.

11. Samson

11.1. He is 7 years old.

12. Miss. Rosemary

13. Ashley Bing

13.1. She was very mean to Mibs at school and at her Birthday party in front of Will Jr.

13.2. She might like Will Jr.

14. Emma Flint

14.1. She repeats every mean thing Ashley says to Mibs