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Planning par Mind Map: Planning

1. Actors

1.1. 1 main character

1.2. First person account

1.3. Focus on person story that can resonate and impact other

1.4. Female- more radical

1.5. Teenage to fir with target audience of 16-21 yr old's

2. Costumes

2.1. Wetsuit the main costume

2.2. Insinuation that her natural clothing of choice

2.3. Red life-jacket to represent danger and act as a color contrast

2.4. Other costumes will be needed for ending this time in mellower color than red- danger has passed.

2.5. This costume could be more greenish coat and jeans or clothes she can have on with wet-suit underneath as though she cannot deny what is in her.

3. Locations

3.1. We plan for our main location to be St Brelades as it's a good place to Kayak and has a pier which our actress can jump from.

3.2. Another location we might use is our original one at Le Hocq as not only do they look similar so we can create fluidity with our footage, it is very aesthetic and has good lighting.

3.3. We will have to do some ground work on the beach also, so as to convey the ending of our story and include a variety of shots.

3.4. We plan to disregard any scenes that do not forward of contribute to our narrative for example the tea and waking up scene.

3.5. We are undecided on whether to include a hospital scene but it may be that insinuation through sound effects is more effective.

4. Props

4.1. Main prop- Kayak with oar

4.2. Drone

4.3. Maybe- hospital props if we use the medical room

4.4. In general we wanted to make our short film more location and environment orientated rather than focusing on personal property.