Defending North America

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Defending North America par Mind Map: Defending North America

1. The Scrapping of the Avro Arrow

1.1. FOR

1.2. World's fastest and most advanced interceptor

1.3. Need for an aircraft to counter the threat of Soviet bombers over the demanding Canadian North

1.4. Created manufacturing jobs


1.6. 12.5 million apiece

1.7. The Government's order shrank to 100 and unit costs rose

1.8. October 1958, to cut costs, the new Conservative government terminated Canadian fire-control and missile development

1.9. Too expensive for too few units, not cost effective at fulfilling its purpose

2. Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis

2.1. FOR

2.2. With allied force USA Standoff ended after 13 days, because of swift mobilization

2.3. Maintain healthy relations with other nations such as the USA

2.4. Exercise Canadian power and prove us as an independent powerful nation

2.5. Action had to been taken, war must be prevented


2.7. DEFCON-3, heightened state of alert causing panic

2.8. Possible all-out nuclear warfare leading to devastation

2.9. Reserve Canada's independence in foreign policy

2.10. Controversy and confusion over Bomarac missiles

2.11. Against falling in line the USA's wishes

3. Canada's acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963

3.1. FOR

3.2. Created a sense of security for many Canadians fearing outside threats

3.3. Incredible technolgial advancement that could lead to all sorts of new remarkable technology

3.4. The Liberal Opposition said that it supported the NORAD obligations and would accept the nuclear warheads

3.5. Established an allied front with the USA

3.6. Expensive and ineffective of quelling Canada's safety needs


3.8. Extremely dangerous, if used could bring the world into a permanent Nuclear winter

3.9. Many people thought it was hypocritical and against foreign policy

3.10. Canadians divided on the issue everywhere

3.11. Anti Nuclear protestors