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TPACK par Mind Map: TPACK

1. Technological Knowledge

1.1. Mastery of Content

1.1.1. Can effectively integrate technology usage in the classroom.

1.2. Knowledge of Content

2. Technological Content Knowledge

2.1. Open minded use of technology

2.1.1. more than single subject understanding

2.1.2. leveraged differently according to changes in content

3. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

3.1. understanding of how teaching and learning can change when particular technologies are used in particular ways

3.1.1. understanding of the constraints in technology

3.1.2. understanding of the affordances in technology

4. Pedagogical Content Knowledge

4.1. Strong subject knowledge

4.1.1. Teaching strategies

4.1.2. Learning strategies

5. Pedagogical Knowledge

5.1. Teaching/ Learning done by the educator

5.1.1. Management

5.1.2. Planning

5.1.3. Assessments

6. Content Knowledge

6.1. Knowledge of subject content

6.1.1. Theories

6.1.2. Ideas

6.1.3. Evidence

6.1.4. Organizational Frameworks