How would you flirt with somebody? (相手の気を引く時にどうやるのか)

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How would you flirt with somebody? (相手の気を引く時にどうやるのか) par Mind Map: How would you flirt with somebody? (相手の気を引く時にどうやるのか)

1. Talking via Line

2. Talk about best personality

3. Acting cute

4. Flirtatious Joke

5. Be french ;) (more than 2,000 years of seduction history)

6. Be elegant, smart and sexy

7. Try to present yourself in the best way, be modest

8. Make them laugh

9. Show manners

10. Confession

11. Being nice

11.1. Being gentle

11.2. Be sweet

12. Body contact

12.1. Getting touchy, close to the other

12.2. Link arms, hold hands, hugs