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Task Five par Mind Map: Task Five

1. Coding in the Australian Curriculum

1.1. F 2

1.1.1. By the end of year 2, children will have had the opportunity to create and explore different digital solutions. This will include using robotic toys to navigate a map and recording data using software.

1.2. 3 - 4

1.2.1. By the end of year 4, children will be exposed to creating and exploring digital solutions in form of interactive adventures that involve user choice and simple guessing games.

1.3. 5 - 6

1.3.1. By the end of year 6, children will have been exposed to and created games, quizzes, interactive stories and animations whilst exploring digital solutions.

2. Computational Thinking in the Australian Curriculum

2.1. F - 2

2.1.1. By the end of year 2, children will have begun to develop the foundational skills involved with computational thinking. This includes learning about common digital systems and patterns that exist within data.

2.2. 3 - 4

2.2.1. By the end of year 4, children will have further developed their understanding of computational skills. This includes an understanding of how digital systems are used (at home, school and local community) and outlining procedures.

2.3. 5 - 6

2.3.1. By the end of year 6, children will have again further developed the complexity of their computational thinking skills. This includes identifying similarities in different problems and describing the smaller components of complex systems.