Types of classroom activities

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Types of classroom activities par Mind Map: Types of classroom activities

1. education

2. didactics

2.1. 1.Methods- teachers use some methods during the expaining.

2.1.1. Pedagogic methods refer to the elements used in a pedagogical scenario or referred to in a pedagogic strategy

2.2. 2.Techniques- it helps to students take more informations.

3. Pedagogy is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of education;

4. is the long life process, starting from the past till the future

5. teaching

5.1. 1. the function or work of a teacher; teaching. 2. the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods.

6. Johann Friedrich Herbart (4 May 1776 – 14 August 1841) is the founding father of the conceptualization of pedagogy, or, the theory of education.