thou shalt not commit adultery

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thou shalt not commit adultery par Mind Map: thou shalt not commit adultery

1. The commandment is set as a hedge to keep out uncleanness

2. how can this commandment be used

2.1. the Church of Rome is condemned

2.2. it is common in our lives

2.3. a warning, adultery brings nothing but pain

2.4. how to keep away from this sin

2.4.1. don't come into the company of a whorish woman

2.4.2. set a watch for your eyes

2.4.3. set a watch for your lips

2.4.4. look at our hearts and watch out not to think of this sin

2.4.5. look at your way of dressing, with this you might help others

2.4.6. take heed of evil company

2.4.7. beware of going to plays/movies

2.4.8. take heed of mixed dancing or in our times don't get yourself in situations where it is easy to be secuded

2.4.9. take heed of lascivious books and pictures

2.4.10. take heed of alcohol and drugs

2.4.11. take heed of idleness

2.4.12. let every man love his own wife to avoid fornication and adultery

2.4.13. labour to get fear of God into your hearts

2.4.14. use consideration (think of the consequenses of a sin)

2.4.15. take delight in the word of God

3. how shall we know our souls are pure?

3.1. we should run from sin

3.2. the light of purity will shine forth

3.3. we should pray for our souls to be pure!

4. tacitly implied

4.1. the ordinance of marriage should be observed

4.1.1. every man should have his own wife and every wife her own husband

4.1.2. the duties of marriage general duties husband wife special duties love loyalty

5. expressly forbidden

5.1. adultery

5.1.1. mental adultery for a man by looking at a woman and lusting after her

5.1.2. corporal adultery As when sin has conceived, and brought forth into act

6. the greatness of this sin

6.1. breach of the marriage oath

6.2. it is a great dishonour done to God

6.2.1. the adulterer sets his will above the will of God

6.2.2. the adulterer is injurious to all the Persons in the Trinity God the Father God gave life, mercies health and estate and the adulterer spends it al on harlots. which means he serves Satan with Gods gifts God the Son He purchased mankind with his own blood, since he bought you, you cannot go to another master babtism makes you a christian, Christ is your head, and the adulterer brings Christ his body to the harlots. God the Holy Ghost our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost, and by adultery we defile God's temple

6.3. the sin is committed with mature deliberation

6.4. it is a needless sin

6.4.1. a remedy to prevent it is given marriage